Look how I've grown

Click on the link below to see my growth curve and percentiles. The username is: michaela@m.com and the password is: mcnally.

September Memories

On her 3 month birthday, Michaela was 11 lbs. 6 oz. and 22+ inches. This month her personality is starting to show and she is really interacting with her surroundings. She is a great sleeper and is most cheerful and talkative in the morning. She is generally content as long as you talk and sing to her, but she gets fussy if she can't see you and thinks she is alone. She has a stubborn streak and like most babies, can be cranky after 6 pm. Michalea moved into her crib and her own bedroom this month. When she wakes (even overnight) she will patiently suck on her hands and wait for someone to retrieve her and then she gives that person a big smile. She likes watching football and mom dancing around the kitchen.

Achievements this month:
  • sleeps 8-11 hours at night
  • lifts head during tummy time
  • lift chest a little
  • bats and grasps hanging toys
  • likes to examine and "taste" fingers, toys, blanket, etc.
  • tracks small moving objects as well as people moving around the room
  • mimics sentence rhythm with her coos