1-13-08 Happy Birthday Grandpa!

December Memories

This month Michaela worked on sitting up independently to prepare for eating in her high chair. Her favorite toy was the exersaucer where she could pretend stand. At the end of the month she graduated to the Einstein jumper for early plyometric training:) She is making lots of sounds, but no distinct words yet. Michaela spent her first Christmas in Cleveland but sadly she didn't see any snow. She got many wonderful gifts but her favorite thing was eating the wrapping paper! At the end of the month she ate her first solid food (Rice cereal and breast milk-mmmmhhh). It took her a while to get a hang of it. She liked to dip her hands in the bowl and suck the food off her fingers. Michaela also had her first cold which caused her to wake a few times a night for nose clearing and fluids...so Mom didn't get much sleep and then got sick herself:( Michaela continued to grow in length at an above-average pace but her weight gain slowed down. She was 15 lbs. 3 ounces (38%) and 25.6 inches (57%).

Achievements This Month:
  • sat up unassisted for a couple of minutes (December 24)
  • more vocal
  • rolls both ways to get to her toys
  • first solid foods

12-25-07 Christmas Morning