October Memories

This month Michaela had lots of fun Fall activities including a trip to Asheville, pumpkin picking, and Halloween. She also accomplished lots of new motor skills...seems her workout plan is paying off (just kidding...I don't give her workouts...just lots of play time). She rolled over from back to front first. She got there accidently by rolling onto her side and then falling onto her tummy while sleeping and then crying until mom came to turn her over. This lead to a few days of poor sleep for mom and Michaela until she finally figured out how to get back over on her own. Now that she can do both, she does neither and instead prefers to hang out on her side. Since the weather has cooled off, we are going on regular runs and Michaela loves looking at the trees. She also gets lots of fresh air walking with dad and grandparents McNally almost daily. Michaela is still a great sleeper going 8-12 hours at night and taking two 2 hour naps during the day. At her 4 month appointment she measured 12 lbs 10 ounces (32%) and 23 1/4 inches long (22%).

Accomplishments This Month:
  • pushes up on her elbows during tummy time
  • first rolled over back to front on 10/10/07
  • first rolled over front to back on 10/21/07
  • occasionally makes consonant noises (b's, g's, m's)
  • grasps hanging objects and picks objects up from floor
  • passes objects from hand to hand
  • brings everything to her mouth
  • sits up assisted
  • blows rasberries and drools a lot