May Memories

Gross motor: Michalea has become a speedy crawler and daring cruiser. She cruises along the furniture and walls, sometimes lunging from one piece to another. She occasionally let’s go and stands independently for up to 10 seconds with a big grin on her face. Michaela loves climbing stairs and exploring the cabinets and refrigerator. She is willing to walk forward while we hold onto her hands, but she is always wobbly because she wants to look down at her feet. Michaela can slam dunk on her baby basketball hoop. She has also started dancing this month. When she hears music, she rocks side to side and/or shakes her butt.

Fine motor: Michaela likes to pick up and examine very small items. She tries to “taste” old food bits and cat food that she finds on the kitchen floor. Michaela claps and waves well, but only about half the time does she do it in the correct context or on-command.

Feeding: Michaela is finally starting to accept some finger foods, specifically her favorites are cheese squares, O shaped cereal, and fruit pieces. She occasionally gets a swig from a regular cup, which half the time she ends up spilling down her shirt. She is nursing 3-4x/day and getting 3 solid food meals so she eats roughly every 2-3 hours.

Verbal: Michaela has become very talkative. She often wakes up in the night or in the morning and babbles to herself or her bunny. She says “daddy” all the time and to everyone. We haven’t heard ma ma in a while. She also says “Cat” when she sees the cat and “up” when she is climbing up the stairs or sometimes when she wants to get out of the high chair. She also said doggy a few times when we were in Ohio and she was around Aunt Kristen’s dogs a lot.

Miscellaneous: Michaela got her 5th and 6th teeth in May, the ones just to the left and right of the top center teeth. She was very fussy because at the same time she got a cold. Her cold continued for a week and then lead to an ear infection. At 11 months she measured 18 lbs 10 oz (21%) and 28.5 inches (56%).