February Memories
This month we watched Michaela get so close to crawling. She pulls up on her hands and knees, rocks forward and back, and then collapses. She does slither in circles on her tummy to get to all her toys so she is somewhat mobile. She also occasionally lunges forward from a sitting position, but usually lands on her face instead of going to her hands and knees:) At the end of the month, she pulled to standing when she was sitting on mom's lap playing the piano toy. On the verbal front, Michaela clearly said ma ma as her first word. I say "clearly" because I have been hearing it since January but others didn't interpret it the same way. Michaela got 3 freckles this month! I wonder if she will be a freckly child like her mom and dad were? She also went to her first Duke basketball game and her first Duke baseball game. She was content and curious at both. At eight months, she measured 17 lbs. 2 oz. (37%) and 26.25 inches (37%).