
We went on a quick beach trip to Wrightsville to relax a little before we have to get into baby mode. Michaela loved the "huge sandbox" that was the beach but wasn't so sure about the "huge swimming pool" that was the ocean. Ok, I tried to explain the concept of oceans, continents, etc. but we finally settled on calling it the huge swimming pool so she wouldn't be afraid to go in. She was a little wary of the waves and very put off by the cold water so we just "dipped" her in the "bubbles" (i.e., waves) a bit. Our hotel room had a great balcony view so we mostly relaxed on the balcony reading books and watching the waves. We got Michaela a fish book for the occasion and she wanted to read it over and over again (as you often have to do with toddlers:)

Michaela has memorized several of her books. It's fun to watch her "read" books by herself because she tends to summarize the longer pages and doesn't always match the storyline to the right page. Nonetheless, it is amazing how much she can memorize. Toddlers are truly a sponge for knowledge. Michaela talks like an opinionated little kid now. We hold simple two-sided conversations about the past, present, and future. Her talking reflects her spontaneous ideas and emotions. Nothing melts my heart more then when she looks at me very seriously and gives me a "Mommy, I love you" out of the blue.

We are going to the playground every day now. These walks have become exercise for my very pregnant body since our neighborhhood is very hilly and Michaela often wants to be carried home up the last hill. She gets tired out because she frequently runs to the playground which is about a quarter of a mile away. At the playground she has now mastered all the climbing apparatuses and prefers the "big girl" swing.

Jackson is due in 3 weeks! I am popping out so much more than with Michaela although I have gained about the same amount of weight. I guess your ab muscles and uterus stretch out more easily the second time around. I am still running a couple days/week...actually it is really walk/jogging since I walk a good bit and my running pace is at least 10 min. miles. I am also doing light weight training a couple days/week so I feel capable when I do day to day activities. So even though I feel really good, I am sick of being pregnant. I am eager to meet Jackson and figure out how to balance life with two kids.