Welcome Jackson Francis McNally!

Jackson was born on 6/19/09 at 9:54 am. He measured 7 lbs 10 ounces and 19.5 inches. My water broke the night before at 11:15 pm so we headed to the hospital right away although active contractions (the hard ones) didn't start for a couple more hours. Grammy and grandpa McNally were wonderful to come over at midnight to stay with Michaela who slept through all the excitement. We labored through the night and Jax was born late morning. We were so psyched to meet him, sleep was out of the question for another day. Jackson and I were in great condition so we were able to check out of the hospital the next day. It was nice to sleep in our own bed (ok, we didn't do too much sleeping the first night) and have a kitchen instead of hospital food! We were also so lucky to have Grandma and Grandpa Voyticky and Kristen help out around the house and take care of Michaela. So far Jackson is a champion eater and sleeps when he is not eating or pooping so things have been fairly easy. Michaela is very loving and gentle with Jackson.